From a transhumanist’s point of view, a normal human can have the ability to evolve past the current limitations they face through their mental and physical incapabilities, thus becoming a superhuman or even immortal. Most of them believe that aging and death are currently the biggest plague, and they argue that the transhumanist bill that stops any research on elongating human lives for ethical and moral reasons must be dropped. However, what is the big question here? Is transhumanism moral?

Most people will argue and fully support their arguments on whether or not transhumanism is moral. They believe that it is against the human nature to fight death and it is better if humans accept death. Having people live forever will provide a great challenge to several sectors of the society, like healthcare, social services insurance, jobs, etc. Thus, there will be moral and ethical dilemmas that might come with extended life.

First of all, transhumanism is a way of man playing “god” since naturally, man is supposed to die and immortality is left to God alone. This goes against religious and societal teachings that believe in life after death and a supreme being. On top of that, transhumanism promises eternity i.e. some acts like murder and suicide will have to be reviewed. Thus people will have the right to decide who is supposed to live and who is not. This will be necessary due to the fact that there will be a great need of generational cleansing in order to avoid overpopulation.

Lastly, transhumanism is also related to inequality; most of the people who will afford to live forever will be the rich and those from the well-off countries. They will rule the poorer people or nations, and acquire vast wealth and political power that they will use to control economic and social aspects of the society. Transhumanism is not moral – it defies nature and religion.