It seems that soon growing old would only be for the poor. This is because a company is buying young people’s blood and selling to the rich to extend their lives. Ambrosia LLC is out to help the rich who can afford it financially and morally, extend their lives by literally draining it from the young and infusing it into the elderly.
Ambrosia LLC is a Californian based company. The founder of the company, Jesse Karmazin spoke about the company’s life extension services at the annual Code Conference in 2017. He mentioned that many people in Silicon Valley are interested and getting obsessed with finding ways to extend human life. This is the reason why he says, his company has been studying blood and its constituents to find ways they can use it to reverse aging.
According to CNBC reports, Karmazin stated that his company already has 80 people signed up to receive these plasma transfusions designed to extend their life. The transfusion is said to cost about $8,000 per customer.
The blood plasma used are drained or taken from teenagers not more than age 25. This ensures that only the freshest blood are used by Ambrosia for its customers. Customers can be anything from 35 years of age upwards, although the company says that most of its customers are close to the retirement age bracket.
HBO’s series Silicon Valley portrayed something quite close to this in one of its episodes. In the episode, a character known as Gavin Belson takes part in a meeting while having blood transfused out of a young man and directly infused into him. The Episode titled the Blood Boy, tagged the blood donor as the blood boy.
The study of blood in order to use young blood to reverse aging is known as Parabiosis. So far the study has usually been limited to mice with very few human trails. The aging customers are hoping that this science has developed significantly and would help them prolong their lives at the cost of the blood of young people, who may likely not be fully aware of what is going on.
When asked, Karmazin said that he has not subjected himself to his company’s services and has not been transfused with any blood taken off the young. It is noteworthy to mention that Jesse Karmazin has not claimed that his company’s services would lead to immortality or permanently reverse aging. All he is saying is that his company is attempting to slow or reverse symptoms associated with the aging process.
This branch of science is sure to raise several kinds of moral questions if successful, after all the customers are not contributing $8,000 each to help develop a study into anti-aging, but are plainly paying to get the blood of young people.