
“Breeding better humans” is an expressions closely related to the term eugenics. Eugenics is a methodology in which a better quality population is formed through selective breeding. Thus breeding better humans indirectly refers to creating a better genetic society as a whole. But the whole idea was opposed and debated upon since it was first proposed years ago. So in this discussion we will see why such an idea finds it difficult to establish its roots in our society and what all challenges it faces.

The challenges faced

The first and foremost one is called efficacy. With eugenics we may not always end up at the desired results. Instead we may create something entirely different that is harmful to the entire human race. Thus the inaccuracy in the scientific methods and the risks occurring as a result of it is a reason for this system still remaining as a theory. Also even if the genes are successfully passes on, some genetic defects would also accompany it and would result in a whole new population all with this defect.

Another problem faced by selective breeding is the loss of genetic diversity. It is this genetic diversity that defines the differences and commonness in our population and what makes us unique. With continued selective breeding, people around us would become more and more similar which does no good for the society in the long run. Also some desirable genes may be eliminated completely from our systems.

Last but not the least; eugenics should also deal with ethical issues. Various political and social barriers need to be crossed and this would take years to happen.

Final word

So even though selective breeding is an ideal way of improving the quality of a population, it faces many inevitable challenges which need to be taken care of.